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Nanyang Tuition Assignments Telegram Channel

" @ https://telegram.me/s/nanyangtuitionjobs

Level and Subject(s): PSLE Maths
Location: !Online Tuition
Hourly Rate: $ 25/hr
Lessons Per Week: Once a week, 2 hours per session
Student‘s Gender: Female
Time: Friday 5pm to 7pm or Sunday 5pm to 7pm

Tutors who include their relevant teaching experience in details have higher success rate of being engaged by the parent.

Will change to $30/hr x 2hrs when student goes to Secondary 1.

This is parent's requirement ( Pls excuse us for putting this. It's better to be make things clear and transparent for tutors to consider before applying. )

Patience - be patient and understanding.
Skill - know the school syllabus correctly.
Ability to Teach - Not interested in tutors that just sit waiting for the student to answer all the questions then talk through the correct method. Want real interactive teaching with showings of working out methods. Not interested for tutors just taking it easy to earn quick money.
Ability to Put Student at Ease - help remove any lack of confidence, boost confidence, try to think how the student feels.
Mature - mature is a must
Persistence - Keep trying to bring the best out of the student.
Commonsense - be realistic and don’t keep changing their timetables last minute and expect us to say ok.
Passion - need to have a huge passion for their subject and to bring the best out in the student.

Available/ Open 
50% of the agreed one month course fee ( One-time).

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How to Apply For Home Tuition Assignments?

1) For New Tutoring Positions
Click on the "Red Button" or visit https://www.nanyanglearning.com/nanyang-tuition/register-as-home-tutor/ to submit your tutor registration.

2) For Registered Tutors (Apply through Telegram)

Join "Nanyang Tuition Jobs Telegram Group" to receive instant tuition assignment jobs notifications. Click On The Link To Join https://telegram.me/s/nanyangtuitionjobs

Upon Job Application (Do take note):

Due to the large volume of tutors' applications, unfortunately we can only get back to successful applicants within 48 hrs.

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Managed and brought to you by
Nanyang Tuition
Website: www.nanyangtuition.com


  • i) All assignments are to start immediately and are One-to-One Home Tuition Assignments unless otherwise stated.
  • ii) New Tutor, please click on the "Register As Tutor (Red Button)" to submit your One-Time Tutor Registration. We will only proceed with the Tuition Job Applications, where tutors’ records are found within our database.
  • iii) Click on "Apply Now (Green Button)" to apply for tuition jobs. You are advisable to join our Tuition Telegram Channel / download Mobile App to receive Latest Tuition Jobs Notifications at your fingertips.
  • iv) Do take note that 50% of "One (1) Month Course Fee" (One- time only) agency commission fees applies for each assignment, unless otherwise stated. One (1) Month= Four (4) Weeks.

Available Tuition Assignments

home tuition jobs